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April 8, 2016

BETO Presents The 2016 Multi-Year Program Plan With A Focus On The Bioeconomy And Algae


On March 28, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) announced the 2016 update of the BETO Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP). The MYPP helps BETO coordinate its activities and details BETO's activities in the coming years. The latest MYPP includes three major changes:

  • A revised vision statement, "Developing and demonstrating transformative and revolutionary bioenergy technologies for a sustainable nation," to emphasize the role of BETO in the bioeconomy.
  • The renaming of the "Algal Feedstocks Research and Development" program area to "Advanced Algal Systems Research and Development," reflecting a stronger focus on the algal biofuels' supply chain and new technical targets for the Algae Farm Design Case.
  • An updated Demonstration and Market Transformation section with new milestones for the integrated biorefinery strategy.