Coalition Intends To Ensure EPA Retains Safer Choice
A coalition will be launched on June 1, 2018, that intends to ensure that Safer Choice will continue to exist as a federal program within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and to improve the program so that it operates in the most effective way possible for all stakeholders. The Coalition will comprise companies throughout the chemical value chain — chemical manufacturers, consumer product companies, and retailers — as well as non-governmental organizations (NGO). Benjamin E. Dunham, a Senior Policy Advisor at Holland & Knight LLP, and former Hill staffer, announced the new coalition at EPA’s May 14, 2018, Safer Choice Partner & Stakeholder Summit. During the summit, industry representatives called for expanding Safer Choice to additional sectors. EPA staff did not address this suggestion, however, stating instead that they will continue core efforts and urging industry to help with outreach. Clive Davies, Chief of EPA’s Design for the Environment, stated that there are “activities that we’re going to have to cut back on and activities we’re going to have to maintain at full strength,” noting declining resources. Davies requested industry input on aspects of Safer Choice that are most important to retain.