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November 16, 2018

DOE Announces New Director For NETL

Lynn L Bergeson

By Lynn L. Bergeson

On November 9, 2018, DOE’s Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Steven Winberg, announced the new director of the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL): Brian J. Anderson, Ph.D.  Dr. Anderson will serve, as of November 11, 2018, as the new director of NETL.  Dr. Anderson founded and headed the West Virginia University Energy Institute prior to taking the role of NETL director.  Winberg highlighted that Dr. Anderson’s background in fossil fuel energy and chemical engineering will be assets to his role at NETL, which focuses on coal, natural gas, and oil R&D.  Dr. Anderson demonstrated appreciation for the role stating that “[t]he work that is being conducted at NETL is critical to advancing technologies that will transform the use of our nation’s vast coal, natural gas, and oil resources to protect our environment and enhance our nation’s energy security.” The position became available after NETL’s former acting director, Sean Plasynski, Ph.D., was appointed as the laboratory’s deputy director and chief operating officer (COO).