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July 22, 2024

EC Seeks Applications for Newly Established Technology Council for Advanced Materials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The European Commission (EC) launched a call on July 5, 2024, for applications for members of the new Technology Council for Advanced Materials. According to the Directorate General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, “this high-level group will coordinate efforts to meet future needs for advanced materials in Europe, and is key to building a single advanced materials ecosystem.” The EC’s February 2024 Communication on Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership states that advanced materials “are understood as materials that are rationally designed to have (i) new or enhanced properties, and/or (ii) targeted or enhanced structural features with the objective to achieve specific or improved functional performance. This includes both new emerging manufactured materials (high tech materials), and materials that are manufactured from traditional materials (low tech materials).” The Technology Council will comprise representatives from ministries of research and industry from European Union (EU) countries and high-level representatives from academic, research, and technology organizations, as well as representatives from industry and the EC. The DG notes that advanced materials “are fundamental for innovation, including in energy, electronics, construction, and mobility. They are therefore crucial for the green and digital transitions.” Applications are due September 9, 2024.