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June 24, 2024

ECHA Evaluating Function of EUON; Survey Will Close July 3, 2024

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is evaluating the function of the European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON). As part of its evaluation, ECHA is conducting a survey to collect responses from EUON website visitors and stakeholders. The survey includes questions concerning evaluation criteria such as use, effectiveness, coherence, EU-added value, and utility. The survey notes that under an ongoing legislative proposal, the European Commission (EC) foresees setting up a common data platform on chemicals (CDPC) that would integrate data on chemicals from different sources within the EU. According to the survey, EUON would be part of the platform “and would be transformed into an observatory for specific chemicals with potential contribution to emerging chemical risks. The observatory would cover chemicals and innovative materials beyond nanomaterials, and would be linked to signals form a EU early warning and action system.” The survey will close July 3, 2024.