On January 17, 2025, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its new MyPest tracking system to provide transparency and visibility into the real-time status of pesticide submissions. MyPest is a web-based system that tracks a registrant’s pesticide applications and products after submission via EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). MyPest allows users to view and communicate with the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) regarding their pesticide products and pending applications.
Pursuant to the requirements in the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2022 (PRIA 5), MyPest seeks to provide accurate, up-to-date information about pesticide applications that are with EPA’s OPP for review.
The MyPest application is available at https://oppt.my.site.com/mypestapp/s/.
EPA provides a user guide with instructions for using the MyPest application for specific functions based on the four available roles, including:
- Company Admin (CA)
- Every registrant company must have at least one user designated as the CA.
- This the highest level in the hierarchy of user roles and gives the user the most access and control of any role in the company.
- CAs can view the status of all current projects and can access product history to view information about previously submitted projects.
- CAs are the only users allowed to invite new users, approve or deny new user requests, and revoke the access of a user.
- A company can have multiple CAs, however, only the first CA for a company is approved directly by EPA. No other role can be assigned to a company before the first CA is approved by EPA. After the first CA is approved, that person will approve all other roles, including additional CA roles.
- CAs can be assigned to multiple companies.
- Every registrant company must have at least one user designated as the CA.
- Company Representative (CR)
- A company can have multiple CRs.
- CRs have access to all user submissions on behalf of the company.
- CRs can be assigned to multiple companies.
- A company can have multiple CRs.
- Consultant
- A company can have multiple Consultants.
- Consultants only have access to view the projects that they are currently working on or have worked on in the past.
- By default, Consultants only have access to view information at the case level but can request to view the information at the product level. The Consultant’s cases are assigned by the CAs.
- A company can have multiple Consultants.
- Contributor
- Contributors are assigned for a specific purpose and for a limited time.
- All information submitted by the Contributor is marked as “Confidential” but can be toggled on and off.
- Any information marked as “Confidential” only can be viewed by the Contributor.
- The CA assigns cases to the Contributor upon role request approval.
- Contributors are assigned for a specific purpose and for a limited time.
All MyPest roles are established per EPA Company Number. If a company has multiple Company Numbers, then a CA will need to be set up for each unique EPA Company Number.
The company CA first must request the CA role in MyPest. EPA approves only the first CA per EPA Company Number, as the CA then will approve future role requests.
EPA has provided the following flowchart of the MyPest role request process.

After logging into the MyPest application and selecting a specific company, the user will be directed to the Dashboard page. The Dashboard only is available for CA, CR, and Consultant roles. Contributors will not have access to the Dashboard.
The Dashboard will list all active projects the organization has ongoing with EPA. The Dashboard will show where each pending application is in the process at EPA, if the pending application is on schedule, and how long it has been since the application was started in review by EPA OPP.
EPA states that MyPest is not expected to impact directly the time it will take for EPA OPP to complete pesticide applications. This is the first iteration of the system rollout and there is another rollout of the system, with added functionality, scheduled for March 2025.