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August 20, 2024

NSF Biomaterials Program Publishes RFI

Lynn L. Bergeson Carla N. Hutton

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Biomaterials Program published a request for information (RFI) on August 20, 2024. NSF requests input from stakeholders on opportunities, challenges, emerging areas, and frontiers in biomaterials research. 89 Fed. Reg. 67498. According to NSF, the RFI will help inform future program directions, new initiatives, and potential funding opportunities. The Biomaterials Program supports fundamental materials research related to biological materials; biomimetic, bioinspired, and bioenabled materials; synthetic materials intended for applications in contact with biological systems; and the processes through which nature produces biological materials. NSF asks that responders answer one or more of the following questions:

  • What are emerging research areas at the frontier of biomaterials research?
  • Briefly describe areas in which the biomaterials community can address societal needs or benefit society.
  • What potential deliverables or advances in biomaterials are achievable in a five-year effort?
  • What disciplines in industry, academia, government, philanthropy, non-profits, or another sector outside of the biomaterials community could serve as partners in solving specific biomaterials-related challenges? Please identify the challenges that may be addressed by each partnership.

Comments are due September 19, 2024.