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January 31, 2019

Inside EPA Features Excerpts of B&C’s Forecast 2019 in “EPA sends proposed CDR revisions for OMB review”

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

On January 31, 2019, Inside EPA quoted Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s (B&C®Forecast 2019 regarding proposed changes to the Consumer Data Reporting (CDR) rule.

“While these proposed changes may be helpful to the reporting community, it is imperative that EPA move quickly with its proposals so stakeholders are fully educated well before the next reporting cycle in 2020,” the law firm Bergeson & Campbell PC, which represents chemical sector clients says in its 2019 forecast of chemical regulations.

“EPA has made changes in the last four cycles of CDR (or its predecessor, the Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule),” the law firm adds. “We hope that this upcoming adjustment will be the last for a while, so companies can set their internal processes with the confidence that no further changes are forthcoming.”

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