ACS Opens Call For Nominations For SC&E Lectureship Awards
By Lynn L. Bergeson and Ligia Duarte Botelho, M.A.
The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced its 2021 call for nominations for the ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (SC&E) Lectureship Awards. The awards will recognize the contributions of early career investigators from around the world who are doing exceptional research impacting sustainability, green chemistry, or green engineering. One award recipient will be chosen from three regions: the Americas, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Asia/Pacific. Awardees will not only receive an award plaque but also an honorarium of $1,000 and travel and accommodation funding of up to $1,500 to attend and present at the 2021 Green Chemistry and Engineering (GC&E) Conference in Reston, VA, from June 14 through 16, 2021. Eligible nominees include:
- Faculty members within ten years or less of their initial academic appointment;
- Industrial and other non-academic scientists within ten years or less from their last professional training (terminal degree or postdoc); and
- Individuals who have taken formal family leave which affects their eligibility under the ten-year timeline described above.
Self-nominations are allowed. The deadline for nominations is August 31, 2020. Selected winners will be announced in the fall of 2020.