REACH educational training seminars address issues such as:
- Overview of REACH requirements and options
- Registration requirements, including those for substances in preparations and articles, as well as intermediates
- How to prepare and update Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Preparing Chemical Safety Assessments (CSA) and preparing Chemical Safety Reports (CSR)
- Hazard and risk assessment tools
- Enforcement and compliance strategies
- Late pre-registration/de-activation of phase-in substances
- Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) participation/activities
- SIEF agreements/consortium participation/letters of access (LOA)
- Downstream users communication
- 2010, 2013, and 2018 substance registrations
- SIEF management – roles
- Phase-in and non-phase-in substance requirements
- Substance identification
- Polymer/monomer guidance/assistance
- Completion of technical documents (CSR and CSA)
- Data compensation under REACH
- Troubleshooting REACH-IT and IUCLIDv5.2
Additional elements are realistic class exercises and case studies. Webinars would be held to assist clients in ascertaining if a registration under REACH should be performed and, when requested, guiding the client through the various stages of REACH.
Contact B&C for more information.