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May 3, 2018

AIHA® Fact Sheet Addresses National Security Implications of Export-Import Activities Concerning Nanomaterials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA®) announced the availability of a nanomaterial product stewardship fact sheet sponsored by the AIHA® Nanotechnology Working Group.  The fact sheet, “Nanomaterial Product Stewardship:  National Security Implications of Export-import Activities,” authored by C.R. Knezevich, CIH, provides a thorough and helpful overview of export-import regulations affecting nanomaterials, reviews U.S. export regimes, and includes recommended practices and resources related to export-import activities.  The purpose of the fact sheet is to give product safety specialists and industrial hygienists an overview of export-import requirements for nanomaterials and is not intended to be a regulatory compliance guide.  The fact sheet states that nanotechnology “is a rapidly changing field with significant health, safety, environmental, and product stewardship considerations” and notes that the export of nanomaterials “presents additional global product stewardship challenges.”  According to the fact sheet, these challenges require the cooperation of several departments within a business organization, including industrial hygienists, who “contribute technical, ethical, and critical-thinking skills to global business teams.”  The fact sheet is a must read for nano enthusiasts and others engaged in export-import activities.