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December 29, 2016

Biobased Chemical, Fuel Makers Seek Parity For Their Products Under Trump

Kathleen M Roberts

Lynn L. Bergeson was quoted in the December 28, 2016, Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report story "Biobased Chemical, Fuel Makers Seek Parity For Their Products Under Trump" (subscription required):

Biobased chemical and fuel manufacturers want their products to be treated equally with their fossil fuel-based counterparts under the incoming administration's policies.

[…]  Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of the Washington D.C.-based Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., which manages the Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG), said Pruitt’s alignment with the fossil fuel industry does not necessarily telegraph a lack of support for biobased chemicals.

Yet, ‘‘certain inferences flow from that alignment, none of which are especially good news for the biobased community,’’ Bergeson said.

The Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group (BRAG) is the leader in TSCA compliance issues for the biobased chemical industry. Working together within BRAG the industry is pursuing reasonable, equitable regulations now and in the future.  Companies or persons interested in becoming a member or needing more information on BRAG membership, should contact BRAG executive director Kathleen M. Roberts