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July 3, 2017

CEINT Seeks Comments on Proposed ISA-TAB-Nano Templates

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT) seeks comments on the NANoREG-proposed ISA-TAB-nano templates.  According to CEINT, the ISA-TAB-nano file sharing format, developed under the National Cancer Informatics Program Nanotechnology Working Group (NCIP NanoWG), is an accepted ASTM standard (ASTM International E2909-13).  In 2016, the European Union NANoREG project adopted and adapted the ISA-TAB-nano format to organize consistently the results of their network of researchers.  According to CEINT, to create the templates, NANoREG followed the logic of the original ISA-TAB-nano formatting, but drew upon relevant existing ontologies and extended it to incorporate additional endpoints and methods not addressed in the original standard.  CEINT is working with researchers at Oregon State University and the NCIP NanoWG to update and extend the ISA-TAB-nano templates.  CEINT seeks comments on the following proposed templates:

  • Physical-chemical characterizations comment forms;
  • In vivo mammalian toxicity comment forms;
  • In vitro mammalian toxicity comment forms; and
  • General feedback regarding expanded (nonstandard) ISA-TAB-nano templates.

Comments are due August 1, 2017.