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November 18, 2016

Deadline Approaches to Nominate Chemicals to Thailand’s Inventory of Existing Chemicals

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

As reported in The Acta Group EU, Ltd’s (Acta EU®August 26, 2016, Global Regulatory Update, this summer, Thailand’s Department of Industrial Works (DIW) published a preliminary inventory of existing chemicals (Preliminary of Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory). The preliminary inventory can be searched by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number or trade name. DIW created the preliminary inventory by combining the hazardous substance list; the most recent hazardous chemical notification list; chemicals listed in DIW’s consultation database; and the national single window list from the Customs Department.

DIW expects to publish a final Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory in 2017. Chemicals not listed on the final Existing Chemicals Inventory would be considered new chemicals. The first stage nomination deadline for chemicals not listed on the preliminary inventory is December 31, 2016. The nomination of additional substances can be electronically accomplished through a portal maintained by DIW or through direct consultation with DIW. More information is available, in Thai, on DIW’s website.

For further information, call or e-mail Karin F. Baron, MSPH, at +1 (757) 874-7130 or