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June 9, 2017

Deinove Announces Partnership With Flint Hills Resources For Biobased Animal Feed

Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D.

By Lauren M. Graham, Ph.D.

On May 31, 2017, Deinove, a biotech company focused on producing high-value compounds from rare bacteria, announced the beginning of the second phase of a project with Flint Hills Resources to develop a nutritional supplement for animal feed.  Flint Hills Resources is a member of BRAG and a leading refining, petrochemicals, and biofuels company in the United States. 

During the first phase of the project, which began in November 2015, several bacterial strains were selected from Deinove’s library to produce target compounds.  The second phase will involve:?

  • Producing the additives in sufficient quantities to test their beneficial effects on the target animal species and analyze the results obtained;
  • Optimizing the fermentation parameters; and
  • Defining the technical and economic conditions for the development of the production process.

Depending on the results of efficacy tests, one or two strains may be selected for the industrialization step.