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August 30, 2021

EC Analyzing Responses to Targeted Stakeholder Consultation Concerning Review of Recommendation on the Definition of a Nanomaterial

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

As reported in our May 7, 2021, blog item, the European Commission (EC) held a targeted stakeholder consultation as part of its review of the Recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial. The EC held the consultation to update, test, and verify the preliminary findings of its review, gathering further evidence and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders who have a role in application of the harmonized regulatory definition of nanomaterial in the European Union (EU). The EC compiled the 136 non-duplicated replies in an XLS spreadsheet. The EC has posted an additional contribution by the French authorities, as well as supplemental information provided by the Industrial Minerals Association Europe (IMA-Europe) and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). The EC is currently analyzing the responses in detail to help conclude its review. The EC states that it will publish the outcome of the review, including a summary of the feedback and statistical analysis of the responses, as an EC Staff Working document in 2021. At that time, the EC “will also indicate the plans for potential revision or replacement of the Recommendation 20122/696/EU.”