EC Officially Adopts EDC Identification Criteria For BPR, and Other Recent BPR Developments
EC Officially Adopts EDC Identification Criteria For BPR: On September 4, 2017, the European Commission (EC) issued a press release entitled “Endocrine disruptors: adoption of scientific criteria for biocides.” The EC’s press release stated that following endorsement by Member States, on July 4, 2017, of the scientific criteria for identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) in pesticides, the EC adopted on September 4, 2017, the scientific criteria for identification of EDCs under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). The EC’s press release provides that “[t]his will allow to fully align the criteria in both legislations, as the objective is to have the same criteria applicable in both sectors.”
The official adoption by the EC of the criteria for identification of EDCs in biocides follows the July 12, 2017, vote by EU competent authorities for the adoption of a regulation that would incorporate the criteria into the BPR. The next step towards official entry into force of the criteria is discussion by the EP’s Committee on Environment, Public Heath and Food Safety (ENVI) on September 28, 2017. ENVI does not have the power to amend the proposed criteria, however, it can reject the criteria and require the EC to revisit its proposal. If ENVI approves of the proposed criteria, a vote on the criteria will occur in a plenary session of the EP.
Further information is available in the Commission Regulation on EDC Criteria under the BPR, and the related Annex.
Biocides Stakeholders’ Day Will Be Held In September 2017: On September 26-27, 2017, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will hold Biocides Stakeholders’ Day 2017. The conference will provide stakeholders the latest information on the BPR and the tools and support available. The focus will be on experiences from companies, European Union (EU) Member States, ECHA, and the EC. Participants will have an opportunity to book a one-to-one meeting with ECHA’s experts and take part in training on the biocides IT tools (IUCLID, R4BP 3, and SPC Editor). Participation is free of charge. ECHA will web-stream the conference live on September 26, 2017. ECHA states that it will post the link on its home page on the day of the event.