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November 21, 2017

EC Publishes Report on Ecosystem to Accelerate Uptake of Innovation in Materials Technology

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

In October 2017, the European Commission (EC) Directorate-General for Research and Innovation published a report entitled An ecosystem to accelerate the uptake of innovation in materials technology:  Report by the High Level Group of EU Member States and Associated Countries on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials.  The High Level Group of European Union (EU) Member States and Associated Countries on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials examined the barriers and obstacles that need to be addressed to accelerate the industrial uptake of nanotechnologies and advanced materials.  It agreed on a list of potential actions that the EU Member States and associated countries may carry out in four key areas for upscaling:  characterization, modeling translation, pilots, and safety.  According to the report, these actions may ultimately help increase the competitiveness of the European industry and have a positive impact on growth and jobs in Europe.