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July 5, 2017

ECHA Announces Two Decisions on Appeals Related to Nanomaterials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

On June 30, 2017, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Board of Appeal published two decisions related to nanomaterials.  In the July 5, 2017, issue of ECHA Weekly, ECHA states that the Board of Appeal “largely upheld the appeals and annulled most of the requests for information.”  In Cases A-014-2015 and A-015-2015, registrants appealed the same 2015 ECHA decision requesting information on synthetic amorphous silica (SAS) following a substance evaluation by the Netherlands Competent Authority.  ECHA requested information on the physicochemical properties and uses of different types of SAS and surface-treated SAS.  According to ECHA, the Board of Appeal annulled these requests “as it was not clear how the information would be used to clarify the potential concerns which in any case had not been sufficiently demonstrated.”  ECHA notes that the Board of Appeal upheld one request in the contested decision — for information on the inhalation toxicity of one type of SAS, following repeat exposure.