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October 9, 2021

ECHA Posts New Set of Q&As for Downstream Users of Nanoforms

Lynn L. Bergeson Carla N. Hutton

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has posted a new set of questions and answers (Q&A) for downstream users of nanoforms. The new Q&As, posted under Section I, include:

  • What are my obligations as a downstream user purchasing, modifying or creating nanoforms?
  • How do I know when I have created a new nanoform from a supplied substance?
  • How do I know whether the nanoform I have created is covered by my supplier if I received [a safety data sheet (SDS)] with an exposure scenario attached?
  • How do I know whether the nanoform I have created is covered by my supplier if: i) I did not receive an SDS or ii) I received an SDS but it does not contain exposure scenarios?
  • How to check if my use and the conditions of use are covered by the exposure scenario received?
  • What do I need to do if my nanoform/uses are not covered by my supplier?
  • What should the downstream user chemical safety report contain?
  • How do I report to ECHA that I have performed a downstream user chemical safety report (or I am relying on an exemption)?