ECHA Seeks Case Studies to Feature at SETAC Europe
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will have six sessions at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, which will be held May 13-17, 2018, in Rome, Italy. ECHA’s sessions will include one on recent developments in regulatory science and environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials. To support the session, ECHA welcomes abstracts on experience gained in environmental hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials illustrated by case studies. Presentations may also cover the implementation of existing (or new) test methods, grouping and read-across approaches specific to nanomaterials, discussion on the further need for guidance and standard methods in relation to the regulatory needs, and available or innovative communication tools. The session will focus on how to produce adequate and reliable information suitable for regulatory purposes and on innovative approaches to communicate the risks and benefits of nanomaterials beyond the scientific community. Abstracts are due November 29, 2017.