EPA Provides New Chemicals Meeting Materials And TSCA CBI Case List
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on December 9, 2019, that in advance of its December 10, 2019, public meeting on new chemicals, it is providing the meeting materials and announcing the availability of a new web page detailing cases with completed confidential business information (CBI) determinations under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Materials for the December 10, 2019, meeting include:
- Agenda; and
- Presentation.
The new CBI web page includes a table of all the final CBI determinations under TSCA Section 14(g). The table contains information from CBI reviews including:
- Case Number;
- Submission Type;
- CBI Review Category (specific chemical identity, other information, or both);
- Final Determination;
- Determination Rationale Summary;
- For CBI Claims for Specific Chemical Identity:
- EPA Unique Identifier (UID);
- Accession Number;
- Generic Name; and
- EPA Unique Identifier (UID);
- Expiration Date for Chemical Identity and Non-Chemical Identity CBI Claims.
EPA states that it plans to update this information on a quarterly basis.