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March 11, 2024

EPA Seeks Nominations for Ad Hoc Reviewers to Assist SACC with Peer Reviewing DIDP and DINP

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

On February 29, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested public nominations of scientific and technical experts for service as ad hoc reviewers assisting the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) with the peer review of the Agency’s evaluation of the risks from di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) being conducted to inform risk management decisions under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 89 Fed. Reg. 14836. EPA states that it is planning to convene a virtual public meeting of the SACC in summer 2024 to review the draft risk evaluations. According to EPA, at that time, EPA will solicit comments from SACC on the novel approaches used, the unique exposure analyses and other calculations, and selection of key hazard endpoints. Nominations are due April 1, 2024.

SACC serves as a scientific peer review mechanism of EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP). SACC provides independent scientific advice and recommendations to EPA on the scientific basis for risk assessments, methodologies, and pollution prevention measures and approaches for chemicals regulated under TSCA.