November 13, 2007
First Annual Nanotechnology Safety for Success Dialogue Held in October
On October 25-26, 2007, the European Commission (EC) held the First Annual Nanotechnology Safety for Success Dialogue. Presentations included:
- Food applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies — Ms. Sue O’Hagan, Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the European Union (CIAA);
- Consumer products applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies — Dr. Michael Holman, Lux Research;
- Health applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies — Dr. Carole Moquin-Pattey, European Science Foundation (ESF);
- Nanotechnology risk assessment: Knowns and unknowns — Mr. Herman B.W.M. Koëter, Deputy Executive Director and Director of Science, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA);
- Nanoparticle toxicology: Scientific state-of-the-art — Professor Ken Donaldson, University of Edinburgh;
- Nanomaterials. Risk assessment needs — Professor Jim Bridges, Chair, Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR);
- The EU perspective on policy and regulatory aspects — Mr. Kees Brekelmans; Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, “Consumer Goods” Directorate;
- Nanotechnology and the Food and Drug Administration: Science and Policy — Dr. Richard Canady, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and
- The consumer perspective on applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies — Dr. Sue Davies, Chief Policy Advisor, Which?.