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May 9, 2014

GCRP Issues Third National Climate Assessment


This week, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (GCRP), a collaboration of 13 federal agencies and myriad academia, issued its third National Climate Assessment. The 841 page report and a summary of its highlights are available online.

This report is significant because compared to previous reports it more definitively attributes human activity as the cause of increased climate change, which is causing more severe weather. The report asserts that climate change is here now and will have more and more devastating impacts throughout the country. It is not a future event. Additionally, it more strongly links climate change to severe weather.

The Administration reportedly is hopeful that the report will help motivate action on climate change. It may be working to some extent as two prominent Republicans — former Utah Governor and Presidential Candidate John Huntsman, and Lee Thomas, an EPA Administrator under the Regan Administration — authored op-eds published on May 7, 2014, urging Republicans to accept climate change and offer leadership on the issue.