Green Party Of Canada Action Plan Calls For Plant Waste Biofuels
By Lynn L. Bergeson and Ligia Duarte Botelho, M.A.
On October 2, 2019, the Green Party of Canada commented, via a press release, on its Green Climate Action Plan called “Mission: Possible.” Aiming to exceed the U.S. Green New Deal, under this plan, the Green Party outlines a 20-step action plan to achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050. Part of the strategy outlined emphasizes the idea that heavy-duty industrial machinery will need to rely on biofuels. Although the plan is to ban internal combustion engines and ensure that cars, buses, and trains are powered by electricity by 2030, biofuels will still be needed for fishing, mining, and forestry equipment. According to the plan, these biofuel needs will be addressed through the creation of biofuels using waste plant matter from forests and agriculture — and only plant-based biofuels. Claiming that food that would otherwise be used to feed Canadians, the Green Party highly opposes food-based biofuels. Its plan, therefore, promotes development of local, small-scale biodiesel production that would rely primarily on used vegetable fat from restaurants across Canada, along with wood and agricultural waste. Fuel switching to biodiesel would be required for agricultural, fishing, and forestry equipment.