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February 5, 2019

Inside EPA Features Recent B&C TSCAblogTM Post in “ADAO Asks EPA To Reconsider Asbestos Petition Denial, States File Petition” Article

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

On February 5, 2019, Inside EPA quoted Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s (B&C®) TSCAblogTM post “Attorneys General Petition EPA to Issue Asbestos Reporting Rule” regarding a state petition for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue an asbestos reporting rule under TSCA Section 8(a).

The law firm Bergeson & Campbell writes in a Feb. 1 post on its TSCAblog that the states’ “petition cites EPA’s denial” of the advocates’ petition “seeking similar action that the Attorneys General are requesting, but does not address the many reasons that EPA denied the first petition. Why the Attorneys General would follow up EPA’s well-reasoned denial with a petition of their own with very similar requests and only marginal additional facts, is unclear.”

The states say that EPA’s “statements directly contradict those previously made by EPA in its Asbestos Problem Formulation [documents for the ongoing assessment] where the EPA specifically identifies its lack of data on the import of asbestos-containing products — for example, ‘t is important to note that the import volumes of products containing asbestos is [sic] unknown.’”

See – (subscription required)