Legislation Introduced In Senate To Phase Out RFS
On March 18, 2015, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced S. 791,
American Energy Renaissance Act of 2015.” Representative Jim
Bridenstine (R-OK) introduced companion legislation, H.R. 1487. The legislation
would phase out the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), approve the Keystone XL
pipeline, open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas
exploration, and stop EPA from regulating GHG emissions. Under the bill, the
RFS would start to be phased out in 2016 with a 20 percent reduction in the
volumetric requirements proposed by EPA. The 20 percent reductions would
continue each year until 2020
when the requirements would reach zero.
The legislation is unlikely to pass, but it is another example of
the ongoing RFS fight in Congress. The majority of the biofuels industry is
united in its advocacy to maintain the current RFS law, while the oil industry,
among others, has been fighting for its repeal.