Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted In Chemical Week Article “TSCA Reform On The Horizon As Bill Passes Senate (Update)”
On June 7, 2016, Chemical Week quoted Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C. (B&C®), about the challenges facing the implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act.
Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., says the new program will face a variety of hurdles because of the challenge of deadlines, resources, and “only a short (if any) honeymoon period. It might take a significant length of time before regulations, policies, and new procedures are up and running to implement fully the new legislation, though many will be coming out fast and furious about this time next year, with some deadlines even earlier. Specifically, there is a requirement pertinent to mercury compounds 90 days from enactment and a six-month deadline having to do with Work Plan Chemicals, but the real action will hit newsstands about a year out. Regulated entities should expect to be relentlessly engaged in this process as involvement and substantive engagement will be critical. While more will be known as to the ‘how’ when new EPA leadership is in place, career staff in [Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention] are already engaged in the process.”