Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted In Foreign Direct Investment (fDi) Magazine Article On The Impacts Of TSCA Reform
On June 7, 2016, Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C. (B&C®), was quoted in fDi Magazine’s article “TSCA reform bill ‘beneficial to foreign investors and manufacturers.’” fDi Magazine is affiliated with fDi Intelligence, a division of the Financial Times Ltd, and is a premier publication for the business of global investments. The article discusses major changes that will result from TSCA Reform, including more funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), easier access to company chemical data, and a larger mandate allowing EPA to better control toxic chemicals.
The proposed reforms to the US’s 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) will benefit both foreign investors and manufacturers, according to Lynn Bergeson, founder of Washington, DC-based environmental law firm Bergeson & Campbell, which specialises in helping companies market their products while complying with regulatory requirements.
[…] The revisions call for greater annual funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), easier access to companies’ data on the chemicals they use, and a larger mandate for the EPA to ban chemicals it deems toxic. “Chemical manufacturers can now expect the agency to deploy its risk management measure much more robustly and freely,” said Ms Bergeson.
[…] Ms Bergeson said: “Having a new federal law with a robust safety standard and clarity as to what the next steps will be over the next five or 10 years will provide a good deal of comfort, predictability and certainty that these chemicals were going to be reviewed prudently and in a stepwise predictable process as soon as the EPA implements the programme.” The bill will create greater business clarity and act as a stabilising factor for foreign investments in US chemical companies, she added.
[…] Ms Bergeson attributes [the increase in chemical corporations supporting TSCA reform] to the increase in security these manufacturers would receive as a result of this bill. “You want to make sure that you have a robust communications strategy to ensure that once your chemical portfolio has been teed up, there are no surprises and that you can respond effectively to questions that may come about or concerns that may be raised,” she said.