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April 4, 2017

Nanodatabase Adds 3,000th Product

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The Nanodatabase, developed by the Technical University of Denmark Department of Environmental Engineering (DTU Environment), the Danish Ecological Council, and the Danish Consumer Council, announced on April 4, 2017, that it added product number 3,000.  According to The Nanodatabase, most products fall into the health and fitness category (1,845) while only about one-sixth of the products fall into the home and garden category (555).  Of the 1,845 products in the health and fitness category, a little more than 700 products are personal care products, about 400 are clothing, and approximately another 400 are sporting goods.  The Nanodatabase states that silver is the nanomaterial reported to be used in most products, but for 60 percent of the products, the identity of the nanomaterials was not reported.  The Nanodatabase includes instructions for reporting products.  Individuals should search shop shelves and find products where the word “Nano” appears on the packaging or on the product itself.  Individuals should then:

  1. Note down product name, manufacturer, address and website.
  2. Take a picture of the product.
  3. Check The Nanodatabase to see if the product you have found has already been reported to the Danish Consumer Council.
  4. Fill out the form below.

After The Nanodatabase receives the report, it will contact DTU Environment, which will examine the reported product and in turn authorize its addition.