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August 12, 2020

NanoExplore Recruiting Companies in Certain EU Member States to Participate in Study of Occupational Exposure to Nanomaterials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The NanoExplore project, which is supported by the European Union’s (EU) LIFE program, aims at an integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring of engineered and incidental nanomaterials in occupational settings.  The project is currently in its pilot phase.  According to NanoExplore, the pilot study will take place following a two-step procedure over two field campaigns separated by a six- or nine-month interval.  Each field campaign will last for four days, during which participants will be followed in their usual tasks to monitor a number of variables in the ambient air.  Before and after starting this four-day period, participants will be asked to fill in a questionnaire, to perform a pulmonary function test, and to provide urine and exhaled air samples.  NanoExplore states that the study and sample collection will be performed by experienced staff, and participants will have the possibility to discuss their results with a referent occupational physician.  NanoExplore seeks employees of companies and organizations manufacturing and/or handling nanomaterials in their occupational settings or concerned with ultrafine particle exposure.  Companies must be based in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, France, or Germany.  To learn more and to participate in the study, NanoExplore can be contacted at