In November 2005, the National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee (NPPTAC) forwarded to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Johnson its document entitled Overview of Issues for Consideration by NPPTAC. The Overview of Issues document sets forth the NPPTAC’s analysis and views on a framework for an approach to a voluntary program for existing engineered nanoscale materials. The framework is intended to complement the approach to the new nanoscale chemicals...
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is revolutionizing the business of tracking inventory and, soon, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will use it to combat counterfeit drugs. The challenges of RFID adoption, in turn, might act as an additional impetus to the development of nanotechnology solutions. FDA views RFID as the most promising technology to combat the flow of counterfeit drugs to U.S. consumers, and encourages the adoption of RFID by manufacturers and...
December 21, 2005
Lynn L. Bergeson, “GAO Recommends TSCA Improvements, and a Senate Bill Responds with a Proposal,” Environmental Quality Management, Winter 2005.
In June 2005, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report critical of the federal government’s ability under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to assess and prevent risks from new and existing chemical substances. Release of the GAO report coincided with the introduction by Senators Frank Lautenberg and James Jeffords of the Kid Safe Chemicals Act (S. 1391), a bill intended to improve children’s health by reducing exposure to harmful toxic chemicals in everyday...
October 21, 2005
Lynn L. Bergeson, “EPA Considers How Best to Regulate Nanoscale Materials,” Environmental Quality Management, Autumn 2005.
In a May 10, 2005, Federal Register notice, EPA announced, in an understated way, its decision to convene a public meeting on ‘nanoscale materials.’ The meeting notice represents the Agency’s first public foray into harnessing some of nanotechnology’s promise within a regulatory framework created almost three decades ago with the enactment of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)....
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Federal Register notice on June 24, 2020, announcing the availability of the final Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluation for methylene chloride. 85 Fed. Reg. 37942. This is the first risk evaluation that EPA has completed under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Lautenberg Act) amendments to TSCA. After evaluating 53 conditions of use of methylene chloride, EPA determined that six...
Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner at Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®), presented at Chemical Watch Enforcement Summit Europe in Brussels on November 4, 2016. Topics covered by Ms. Bergeson included “A New [Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)] and Expanded Enforcement and Product Liability Opportunities,” “Next Generation Compliance and Implications for Businesses,” and “eDisclosure — The New Normal?” Ms. Bergeson informed attendees of the significant...
On July 5, 2019, the European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) released an ex-post evaluation report prepared by the Evaluation Working Group of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) with the support of PricewaterhouseCoopers. The ex-post evaluation assessed EUON against the following criteria: effectiveness; coherence; EU added-value; and utility. The recommendations by the external evaluators include: The internal evaluators recommend...