NNI Begins Registration for October 8 Webinar on Evaluating Worker and Consumer Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials
The National Nanotechnology Initiative will hold a webinar on October 8, 2019, on “Evaluating Worker and Consumer Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials.” The webinar, part of NNI’s 2019 series on the environmental, health, and safety effects of nanomaterials (nanoEHS), will examine the tools, techniques, and successes in assessing and managing potential effects of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) in the workplace and consumer environments. According to NNI, the presentations will provide insights into the challenges, similarities, and key advances in understanding the potential effects of exposure to ENMs, including the development of biomarkers of exposure. Dr. Paul Schulte, Director of the Division of Science Integration, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and Dr. Joanna Matheson, Toxicologist, Directorate for Health Sciences, Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), will speak. Dr. John Howard, NIOSH Director, will moderate. Webinar viewers will be able to submit questions for the panelists to answer during the question and answer period. Submitted questions will be considered in the order received and may be posted on the NNI website. Registration is required.
NNI will hold the final webinar in its 2019 nanoEHS series, “Global Harmonization of Nanoinformatics: A Case Study in Convergence and Team Science,” on November 12, 2019. The speakers will include Dr. Christine Hendren, Duke University, and Dr. Fred Klaessig, Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems LLC.