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October 5, 2020

OEHHA’s DARTIC Will Discuss Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles at December Meeting

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) of California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) will meet on December 10, 2020, to discuss the prioritization of 22 chemicals or chemical groups, including titanium dioxide nanoparticles.  DARTIC will provide OEHHA with advice on the prioritization of these chemicals for listing consideration at future meetings.  No listing decisions will be made at the meeting.  According to OEHHA’s prioritization document for these chemicals, in the most recent application of the prioritization process, OEHHA applied both a human and an animal data screen to candidate chemicals in its tracking database.  OEHHA identified 22 chemicals or chemical groups for DARTIC discussion, advice, and consultation.  The prioritization document presents information on the identified chemicals or chemical groups.  For each, OEHHA presents an initial, abbreviated appraisal of the scientific information identified through the screening-level literature search and the preliminary toxicological evaluation.

Interested parties may provide comments on the potential for exposure in California and the extent of the scientific evidence pertaining to the selection of any of the 22 chemicals or chemical groups for possible preparation of hazard identification materials.  Written comments and any supporting documentation are due November 16, 2020.  OEHHA will forward public comments to DARTIC members prior to the December 10, 2020, meeting.  After the meeting, OEHHA will choose chemical(s) for which to prepare hazard identification materials summarizing the available scientific evidence on the chemicals’ potential to cause developmental or reproductive toxicity following a comprehensive search and evaluation of the scientific literature.  OEHHA will provide these materials to DARTIC and release them for public comment prior to the public meeting at which DARTIC deliberates on a listing decision.