PEN Consumer Product Inventory Includes over 1,000 Items
Yesterday the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) announced that its inventory of nanotechnology-enabled consumer products includes over 1,000 items. When PEN began the inventory in March 2006, it included 212 products. According to PEN, health and fitness items represent 60 percent of the products listed. More products are based on nanoscale silver than any other nanomaterial, with 259 products (26 percent of the inventory) using silver nanoparticles. The inventory includes products from over 24 countries, including the U.S., China, Canada, and Germany. The inventory includes products that have been identified by their manufacturer or a credible source as being nanotechnology-based. PEN states that this update identifies products that were previously sold, but which may no longer be available. PEN encourages users to submit new and updated information.