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October 28, 2019

Registration Begins for NNI Webinar on Global Harmonization of Nanoinformatics

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

Registration has begun for the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s (NNI) November 12, 2019, webinar, “Global Harmonization of Nanoinformatics:  A Case Study in Convergence and Team Science.”  The webinar, part of NNI’s 2019 series on the environmental, health, and safety effects of nanomaterials (nanoEHS), “will share how engaged and collaborative communities in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere have provided an infrastructure capable of supporting sustainable design of nanotechnology-enabled products and robust regulatory decision making.”  The presenters will highlight advances in curation, database design, and ontology development and discuss practical nanoinformatics outputs, such as the European Union (EU)-U.S. Roadmap Nanoinformatics 2030 and how the nanoinformatics community has contributed to standardization to set a computational modeling foundation for predictive nanoEHS and safer-by-design capabilities.  The presenters will include Dr. Christine Ogilvie Hendren, Duke University Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT), and Dr. Fred Klaessig, Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems.  Webinar viewers will be able to submit questions for the presenters to answer during the question and answer period.  Submitted questions will be considered in the order received and may be posted on the NNI website.  NNI notes that webinar participants may be interested in the Nanotechnology Working Group (Nano WG) webinar on the practical application of eNanoMapper to nanoEHS research that will be held November 14, 2019.