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March 14, 2017

SCCS Seeks Comment on Opinion on Titanium Dioxide (Nano Form) as UV-Filter in Sprays

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

On March 10, 2017, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) began a public consultation on its opinion on titanium dioxide (nanoform) as an ultraviolet (UV)-filter in sprays.  In July 2015, the European Commission (EC) received new data from industry to support the safe use of nano titanium dioxide when used as a UV-filter in sunscreens and personal care spray products at a concentration up to 5.5 percent.  The EC asked SCCS whether, in light of the data provided, nano titanium dioxide is safe when used as a UV-filter in sunscreens and personal care spray products at a concentration up to 5.5 percent.  SCCS concluded that, on the basis of the provided data, the information is insufficient to allow assessment of the safety of the use of nano titanium dioxide in sprayable applications.  The opinion notes that exposure studies have not been conducted using representative sprayable products that may be intended for the European Union market.  The submission also does not contain a toxicological evaluation for nano titanium dioxide via the inhalation route, which SCCS states would allow deriving a point of departure for risk assessment using worst-case conditions.  SCCS emphasizes that compliance with the specifications from its previous opinion on nano titanium dioxide, SCCS/1516/13, will not imply absence of effects after inhalation exposure.  That opinion addressed only the safety of nano forms of titanium dioxide in dermal applications and excluded sprayable products.  The draft opinion states:  “In fact, that [earlier] Opinion expressed concerns over the safety of TiO2 nanomaterial applications that could lead to inhalation exposure of the consumer to TiO2 nanoparticles.”  The EC also asked whether SCCS had any further scientific concerns regarding the use of nano titanium dioxide when used as a UV-filter in sunscreens and personal care spray products.  The draft opinion does not include a response from SCCS.  Comments are due May 14, 2017.