Senate EPW Subcommittee Holds Hearing On West Virginia Spill
On February 4, 2014, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works' Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife held a hearing on "Examination of the Safety and Security of Drinking Water Supplies Following the Central West Virginia Drinking Water Crisis." A full list of witnesses is available online.
Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) spoke at the hearing and stressed the need for reform of TSCA in the wake of the January 9, 2014, chemical spill in West Virginia. Senator Udall has been working closely with Senator David Vitter (R-LA) to make improvements to CSIA (S. 1009), the Senate's bi-partisan TSCA reform bill. Senator Udall suggested that much needed information on the health effects of 4-methylcyclohexane, the chemical which spilled into West Virginia's Elk River, would be available if CSIA were enacted.