
January 8, 2018

EEB Finds Estonian EU Council Presidency Failed to Fill Regulatory Gaps on Nanomaterials

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) announced on December 22, 2017, the availability of its assessment of the environmental performance of the Estonian Presidency of the European Union (EU).  The assessment is based on the results of “Ten Green Tests” laid out at the beginning of Estonia’s Presidency.  The eighth test is protecting the public from hazardous chemicals, including mercury.  The test includes encouraging the European Commission (EC) “to develop a...
January 28, 2015

NGOs Comment on EC’s Working Conclusions Concerning Transparency Measures for Nanomaterials on the Market

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) posted on January 13, 2015, a paper entitled “NGO comments on Transparency measures for nanomaterials on the market:  Working conclusions.”  EEB, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Friends of the Earth (FOE) Australia, and Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) state that they disagree with most of the EC’s working conclusions regarding the transparency measures for nanomaterials on the market.  The NGOs claim that the...