
November 29, 2017

NanoReg2 Begins Survey Concerning Knowledge of Risks from Nanomaterials and Concept of Safe-by-Design

On behalf of its project partner, the Institute of Occupational Medicine, NanoReg2 seeks information from organizations that manufacture, make, use, distribute, or dispose of nanomaterials.  NanoReg2 states that, as part of the NanoReg2 Project, it is trying to find out what organizations know and understand about worker and end-user risk from nanomaterials and the concept of Safe-by-Design.  NanoReg2 encourages participation from individuals who are involved in product development, health...
March 1, 2017

Report Claims OECD Dossiers on Nanomaterials Are of “Little to No Value”

On February 23, 2017, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) issued a press release announcing a new report, commissioned by CIEL, the European Environmental Citizens’ Organization for Standardization (ECOS), and the Oeko-Institute, that “shows that most of the information made available by the Sponsorship Testing Programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is of little to no value for the regulatory risk assessment of...