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August 30, 2017

Technology Development Pathways Workshop Will Highlight NNI Case Studies

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The “Technology Development Pathways:  Case Studies from the [National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)]” workshop will be held November 1, 2017.  According to NNI, the workshop will showcase application areas where nanotechnology has had commercial impact.  Keynote presentations will highlight the pathways companies have taken to get from research to commercialization.  Panel discussions will focus on specific steps of the development pathway, such as scale up and quality control/measurement systems.  Building on these successes, NNI states that conversations at the workshop will explore remaining technical challenges or innovations needed to exploit fully the commercial potential of nanotechnology over the coming decades.  While the primary focus will be to share best practices from the private sector, NNI notes that federal government representatives will also participate, enabling attendees to learn of ongoing research, agency needs, and funding opportunities.  According to NNI, the workshop will support the goals of the Sustainable Manufacturing:  Creating Industries of the Future Nanotechnology Signature Initiative.  The workshop is free and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.  NNI expects registration to open on September 18, 2017.