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August 24, 2016

U.S. Army ERDC Conducting Survey to Inform Risk Management Tool for Developing Nano-Enabled Products and Nanomaterials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is developing a web-enabled information and screening tool intended to help small businesses integrating or developing nanoscale materials address uncertainty related to regulatory compliance and environment, health, and occupational safety (EHOS) risks.  To that end, ERDC is conducting a brief survey to identify resources, regulations, and risks that are most important to companies and other organizations involved in product and material development.  According to ERDC, the insights provided through the survey will help develop user requirements for a tool that can address future EHOS and regulatory needs in nanotech development.  ERDC is a member agency of the National Nanotechnology Initiative through its affiliation with the Department of Defense, and it has produced many tools and publications in this research area.  ERDC is partnering with the Jordan Valley Innovation Center at Missouri State University on this effort to augment EHOS expertise with its knowledge of emerging trends in the nanomaterial space.  All responses will be held in confidence by researchers at the ERDC, and will be used primarily for the purpose of developing a tool to help businesses that use or are considering use of nanoscale materials account for relevant risks and regulations.  The survey will take about ten minutes to complete.  Responses are due August 31, 2016.  Any questions or comments should be directed to Matthew D. Wood, ERDC.