April 19, 2019
Weekly Roundup of Other Biobased News
- Reuters, “U.S. EPA Revives Provision That May Name Refiners Applying for Biofuel Waivers”
- Washington Examiner, “2020 Democrats Embrace Green New Deal at Their Peril in Iowa, Land of Ethanol”
- Reuters, “U.S. EPA May Grant Fewer Biofuel Waivers Due to Low Credit Prices: Wheeler”
- The Chemical Engineer, “BP Joins Effort to Make Paraxylene from Biological Sources”
- The Western Producer, “Canola-based Plastic May Hit Market Soon”
- The Hindu, “ICGEB’s Novel Yeast Strain Increases Ethanol Production”
- Forbes, “From Cooking Oil to Biofuel: Eni’s Project in the Venice Biorefinery”
- WVTM 13, “Grant Awarded to Auburn University for Biofuels Study”
- The Journal Gazette, “Ashley Getting Plastic-to-fuel Plant”
- CBC, “AquaBounty Considers Labelling Genetically Modified Salmon”
- Biomass Magazine, “MTI Funds Project by Biofine to Produce Biobased Levulinic Acid”
- Verdict Foodservice, “McDonald’s UK to Turn Waste Grease into Biofuel and Prevent Fatbergs”
- Plastics Today, “Bio-based Innovation Award Finalists Announced”
- Plastics Technology, “Eastman Launches Chemical Recycling Innovation for Complex Plastic Waste”
- Euractiv, “Eastern Europe Backs Locally Produced Biofuels to Save Climate and Farmers”
- Ethanol Producer Magazine, “When Will the EU ‘Get Real’ on Biofuels?”
- PowerboatWorld.com, “Boaters Urged to Tell EPA to Stop the Summertime Sale of E15 Fuel”