BETO Announces Release of New Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium Case Studies and Technical Reports
By Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton
On July 27, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) announced that its Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium (FCIC) recently published eight new technical reports and case studies. According to BETO, the publications examine the environmental and economic impacts of a variety of feedstock characteristics and processing techniques:
- Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Forest Residue Preprocessing with Wet Milling;
- Comparative Techno-Economic Analysis of Available Feedstocks for High-Temperature Conversion: Whole Tree Thinning’s and Mature Pine Residues;
- Techno-Economic Case Study: Low-Temperature Conversion Performance Based on Isolated Anatomical Fractions of Corn Stover;
- Value Proposition of Coatings or New Alloys on Hammer Wear;
- Air Classification of Forest Residue for Tissue and Ash Separation Efficiency;
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Summary Report (FY22);
- Impact of Anatomical Fractionation of Corn Stover on Hammer Mill Throughput and Energy Consumption; and
- Particle Scale Impacts on Deconstruction Energy of Pine Residues.
BETO states that the FCIC “is an integrated and collaborative network of nine DOE national laboratories dedicated to addressing the technical risks that integrated pioneer biorefineries face.” According to BETO, the goal of the FCIC “is to develop science-based knowledge and tools to understand biomass feedstock and process variability, improving overall operational reliability, conversion performance, and product quality across the biomass value chain.”