September 21, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “Environmental Accountability: Keeping Pace with the Evolving Role of Responsible Environmental Corporate Stewardship,” Environmental Quality Management, Autumn 2006.

This “Washington Watch” column outlines the concept of environmental accountability, provides a summary overview of the many mechanisms that are included within this broad topic, and discusses the role that environmental accountability plays in influencing corporate business standards pertinent to environmental performance. As government resources earmarked for more traditional environmental enforcement and compliance-assistance initiatives continue to dwindle, environmental...
September 1, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson and Michael F. Cole, “NanoBioConvergence—Emerging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications,” Bioprocessing & Biopartnering 2006: Featuring NanoBiotechnology, 2006.

Many people regard nanotechnology as a “stand-alone” technology. While the technology itself is of great interest, the most intriguing aspect of nanotechnology is that it is increasingly being utilised as an integral part of a more complicated convergence matrix. The intersection of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science, otherwise referred to as ‘NBIC convergence’, is leading to the development of nanobiotechnology products that promise to...
July 1, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “Small Sensors Promise Big Impact,” Chemical Processing, July 2006.

. In the past year, there has been an appreciable upswing in new products developed and commercialized pertinent to “intelligent” water monitoring tools and devices involving nanotechnology. Because many environmental applications of nanotechnology will almost certainly revolutionize the science, law, and regulation of water pollution, readers are urged to keep abreast of this fast-changing area....
June 21, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “Key Environmental Issues: Views from Inside the Beltway and Beyond,” Environmental Quality Management, Summer 2006.

With the mid-term elections fast approaching, the Bush Administration is probably feeling a bit unsettled about its ability to defend its record on environmental accomplishments. The Bush Administration’s record on environmental accomplishments is, according to most environmental groups, weak if not downright bad. This column identifies several key environmental issues that may elicit potential voter response. ...
April 1, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “Nanotechnologies and FIFRA,” Gradient Corporation EH&S Nano News, April 2006.

This column explores applications of nanotechnologies in the agricultural sector, and a few of the issues the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) is now considering regarding nanotechnologies and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)....
April 1, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson and Michael F. Cole, “FDA Regulation of Food Packaging Produced Using Nanotechnology,” Food Safety Magazine, April/May 2006.

Food packaging materials must comply with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Nanopackaging for the most part involves the use of materials that are not intended to have any effect on the food in the package, but may contact the food if the material migrates from the packaging. Such materials are regulated as indirect food additives or food contact substances. There are precedents that permit the marketing of indirect food...
March 21, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “Nanoscale Materials and TSCA:  EPA’s NPPTAC Recommends a Framework for a Voluntary Program,” Environmental Quality Management, Spring 2006.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee (NPPTAC) forwarded to EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson on November 22, 2005, its document entitled Overview of Issues for Consideration by NPPTAC. The Overview of Issues document sets forth NPPTAC’s “analysis and views” on a framework for a voluntary program on existing engineered nanoscale materials. The framework is intended to complement the new nanoscale chemicals requirements...
February 1, 2006

Lynn L. Bergeson, “EPA’s NPPTAC Recommends Framework for Voluntary Nanomaterials Program,” ABA Pesticides, Chemical Regulation, and Right-to-Know Committee Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 1, February 2006.

In November 2005, the National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee (NPPTAC) forwarded to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Johnson its document entitled Overview of Issues for Consideration by NPPTAC. The Overview of Issues document sets forth the NPPTAC’s analysis and views on a framework for an approach to a voluntary program for existing engineered nanoscale materials. The framework is intended to complement the approach to the new nanoscale chemicals...