August 16, 2007

EC Committee Recommends Revisions to Technical Guidance Documents to Address Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

On August 8, 2007, the European Commission (EC) released the scientific opinion of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) on the appropriateness of the risk assessment methodology in accordance with the European Union’s (EU) technical guidance documents for new and existing substances for assessing the risks of nanomaterials. SCENIHR concluded that modifications to the existing technical guidance documents are necessary because special...
August 10, 2007

Lynn L. Bergeson, “EPA Issues Draft NMSP Concept Paper and TSCA Inventory Paper,” Small Times Magazine, August 10, 2007.

The EPA’s recently released paper, TSCA Inventory Status of Nanoscale Substances — General Approach, is important for developers of nanotechnologies. Nanomaterials that meet the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) definition of “chemical substance” are subject to TSCA reporting requirements because they may exhibit properties different from the same substances in the bulk scale. A chemical substance means, in relevant part, “any organic or inorganic substance of a...
August 10, 2007

Lynn L. Bergeson, “TSCA Inventory Status of Nanoscale Substances a Must-Read for Materials Developers,” Small Times Magazine, August 10, 2007.

The EPA’s recently released paper, TSCA Inventory Status of Nanoscale Substances — General Approach, is important for developers of nanotechnologies. Nanomaterials that meet the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) definition of “chemical substance” are subject to TSCA reporting requirements because they may exhibit properties different from the same substances in the bulk scale. A chemical substance means, in relevant part, “any organic or inorganic substance of a...
August 8, 2007

The Nanoethics Group Publishes Major Anthology

On August 1, 2007, the Nanoethics Group announced the release of a collection of papers entitled Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, which addresses issues related to nanotechnology’s impact on society. The anthology includes papers from nearly 40 experts worldwide and includes topics related to benefits, risk, environment, health, human enhancement, privacy, military, democracy, education, humanitarianism, molecular manufacturing, space...
August 7, 2007

International Coalition Urges Nano-Specific Regulations

On July 31, 2007, an international coalition of consumer, public health, environmental, and labor organizations issued the Principles for the Oversight of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials and called for strong, comprehensive oversight of the new technology and its products. According to the coalition, the manufacture of products using technology has “exploded in recent years,” while “evidence indicates that current nanomaterials may pose significant health, safety,...
August 6, 2007

EPA Holds Public Meeting on the NMSP

On August 2, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) convened a public meeting on the Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The meeting, which EPA had announced in a July 12, 2007, Federal Register notice, was well attended, with approximately 100 people in attendance. After introductory remarks by several EPA officials, various organizations presented their views on the NMSP and the associated...
August 3, 2007

Nanotechnology Bill Introduced in House

On July 31, 2007, Representative Mike Honda (D-CA) introduced the Nanotechnology Advancement and New Opportunities (NANO) Act (HR 3235), which is intended to promote the development and responsible stewardship of nanotechnology in the U.S. Honda based the legislation on the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology, a panel of California nanotechnology experts with backgrounds in established industry, startup companies, consulting groups, non-profits,...
August 1, 2007

Australian Researcher Recommends Nano-Specific Regulation of Pesticides

According to a recent survey presented at the Rural Futures conference in Canberra, Australia, nanotechnology in food and farming is inadequately regulated. Rural sociologist Dr. Kristin Lyons, Griffith University, stated: “Despite significant investment from the agrifood sector in nanotechnologies, the need for nano-specific regulation in this area hasn’t been recognised as a priority by the federal government.” Lyons said that the nano-agrifood industry will be...
August 1, 2007

Lynn L. Bergeson, “EPA Issues Draft NMSP Concept Paper and TSCA Inventory Paper,” ABA Pesticides, Chemical Regulation, and Right-to-Know Committee Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 3, August 2007.

On July 12, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published in the Federal Register three separate notices related to the long-awaited Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). All of the notices and accompanying documents are available online....
July 31, 2007

EuroNanoForum 2007 Proceedings Available Online

The proceedings of the June 19-21, 2007, EuroNanoForum 2007 are available. According to the European Commission (EC), they “provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in nanotechnology for industrial applications, presented by selected international top speakers to open up new perspectives in Europe for coming years.”...