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October 30, 2017

NIA Holds Webinar on Safe by Design for Nanomaterials

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

On October 24, 2017, the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) held a webinar on Safe by Design for Nanomaterials.  The webinar was open to all actors interested in nanomaterials and their safe management throughout their lifecycle, using the principles of Safe by Design from the earliest development stages.  The webinar included the following presentations:

Session 1:  Introduction to Safe by Design

Session 2:  Tools and Frameworks for Product Development Available for Safe by Design

  • Combined slides: Single file containing introduction, Stoffenmanager-Nano, LICARA Nano Scan, NanoSafer v.1.1β, and the Safe-by-Design Implementation Platform

Session 3:  The Future of Safe by Design