
December 15, 2022

EUON Announces Results of Desk Study on (Bio)degradation, Persistence, and SbD of Nanomaterials

The European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) announced on December 12, 2022, the results of a desk study entitled Study on (bio)degradation, persistence and safe by design of nanomaterials. The study aimed at providing information on the state of the art, the existing gaps, and the research needs for the (bio)degradation and persistence of nanomaterials and their relevant organic coatings. Another objective was to examine the current state of the art for safe by design (SbD)...
July 15, 2022

Austrian Academy of Sciences Publishes NanoTrust Dossier on Advanced Materials

The Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has published a NanoTrust Dossier entitled “Advanced Materials.” According to the dossier, advanced materials are “materials or material combinations with improved, novel or unique functionalities or properties” and represent a broad class of materials that include semiconductors, biomaterials, and nanomaterials. The dossier states that in many cases, novel materials offer solutions to environmental...
December 12, 2019

EUON Publishes Nanopinion on Safe by Design Approach to Nanomaterials

On December 11, 2019, the European Union (EU) Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) published a Nanopinion entitled “The innovator, the regulator and the citizen — building public trust through transparent, empowered and safe innovation.”  Carlos Eduardo Lima da Cunha, the European Commission (EC), explains how the EU is supporting safe by design approaches to new technologies such as nanomaterials to deliver safer products to the market.  Lima da Cunha notes that the EU has...
June 12, 2019

Austrian Academy of Sciences Publishes NanoTrust Dossier on the Safe-By-Design Concept

The Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has published a NanoTrust Dossier entitled “Safe-by-Design — The Early Integration of Safety Aspects in Innovation Processes.”  The Dossier presents an overview of the concepts behind the idea of integrating health or environmental safety considerations in the design of materials, products, or processes, focusing on the nano-specific Safe-by-Design (SbD) concept.  SbD aims to take account of safety issues early on...
October 31, 2018

JRC Posts Report on Workshop on Regulatory Preparedness for Innovation in Nanotechnology

The European Commission (EC) Joint Research Center (JRC) posted a report on the October 5-6, 2017, “NanoReg2 Regulatory Preparedness for Innovation in Nanotechnology Workshop.”  Regulatory preparedness was defined at the workshop as the regulators’ timely awareness of innovations and the regulators’ actions to check whether present legislation covers all safety aspects of each innovation, including initiating revision of the legislation as appropriate.  Achieving...
November 29, 2017

NanoReg2 Begins Survey Concerning Knowledge of Risks from Nanomaterials and Concept of Safe-by-Design

On behalf of its project partner, the Institute of Occupational Medicine, NanoReg2 seeks information from organizations that manufacture, make, use, distribute, or dispose of nanomaterials.  NanoReg2 states that, as part of the NanoReg2 Project, it is trying to find out what organizations know and understand about worker and end-user risk from nanomaterials and the concept of Safe-by-Design.  NanoReg2 encourages participation from individuals who are involved in product development, health...
October 30, 2017

NIA Holds Webinar on Safe by Design for Nanomaterials

On October 24, 2017, the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) held a webinar on Safe by Design for Nanomaterials.  The webinar was open to all actors interested in nanomaterials and their safe management throughout their lifecycle, using the principles of Safe by Design from the earliest development stages.  The webinar included the following presentations: Session 1:  Introduction to Safe by Design Session 2:  Tools and Frameworks for Product Development Available for...
October 2, 2017

NIA Will Hold Webinar on Safe by Design for Nanomaterials

On October 24, 2017, the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) will hold a webinar on Safe by Design for nanomaterials.  NIA states that the webinar is free and open to all actors interested in nanomaterials and their safe management throughout their lifecycle, using the principles of Safe by Design from the earliest development stages.  According to NIA, the webinar will bring together projects active in the creation of Safe by Design across Europe to inform participants of the...