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May 21, 2021

NNI Will Hold Public Webinar on Nanosensors for Food and Agriculture

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) will hold a webinar on June 2, 2021, on nanosensors for food and agriculture. NNI states that nanotechnology-enabled sensors (nanosensors) “are promising tools to advance precision agriculture and support a safe and robust food supply chain, from farm to fork.” Panelists will discuss how the development and deployment of nanosensors could transform agriculture and food safety. They will highlight the state of the science, discuss community needs to push the science forward, and explore the challenges associated with bringing these technologies to market. Hongda Chen, National Program Leader, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), will moderate. The panel will include:

  • Evangelyn Alocilja, Professor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University;
  • Jonathan Claussen, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University;
  • Sam Nugen, Associate Professor, Food Science, Cornell University; and
  • Michael S. Strano, Carbon P. Dubbs Professor in Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.